EndorphinGirl® well rather EndorphinGirls are at it!

If you have been following us on our blog or one form of media or another, you know in January 2024 EndorphinGirl® and EndorphinDaughter are teaming up to run a one of its kind wellness winter retreats. The 5 days will provide a refuge to reset and return to nature. To restore! We’ll incorporate yoga and other mindfulness practices along with some outdoor fun in nature.

Stay tuned for all the tidbits on how to refresh in the new year, whether through returning to nature, in the yoga studio, or otherwise.

We’ll ring in the new year with a year-end review as well sharing our learnings and other tips that you may have joined us for during the year as a way to enhance your feeling of calmness, health, and well-being.

Meanwhile, a pic of the beautiful place we’ll venture to for our retreat and the lovely yoga studio we’ll practice in.

Stay bendy! ✌️🧘‍♀️

