Barbara here! I got started on the adventures of EndorphinGirl® in 2012. The hope then, and still very much today, is that she could reach and relate to audiences of all ages, to find the power of endorphins and bring about a deeper connection between mind-body-spirit. It wasn’t exactly thought about nor written in those words when she initially launched, as most things usually go, but no matter! Like all of us EndorphinGirl® continues to evolve and expand with her audience, although her focus still remains mostly to women in the pre-teen and upwards range (for now!)  [Caveat to the men and kids out there, EndorphinGuy® and EndorphinKids® are real too, and will come alive in future adventures!]


Inspiration for EndorphinGirl® is Jack Steel. One day he called me EndorphinGirl® based on something he had heard about a woman in an endorphin-like state. It resonated with him. . . and thought it must be me! I became intrigued about who this 'creature' might be.


We believe that the EndorphinGirl® energy is in all of us in one way or another. EG chooses to live an ordinary life in a simple yet extraordinary way, making ordinary into extraordinary with a boost of endorphing. That’s right ‘endorphing’; we’ve made it into a verb, and it means: finding a way to use what we have to release any discomfort and find joy. EG chooses to use her endorphins to find her way through life’s daily adventures. Ordinary can always be both simple and extraordinary.

The name endorphin comes from the words "endogenous," which means "from the body," and "morphine," which is a pain reliever. If we can be reminded of how to reach in and find our own pain-reliever and joy booster, then let’s do it! We are so much more than we think we can be.  

EndorphinGirl® Mission Statement

to empower women (humans) through the adventures of health and wellness, with a particular emphasis on ‘endorphing’, and an aim to appeal to audiences near and far


So, who is EndorphinGirl®?


EndorphinGirl® (EG) is the super heroine for all ages. Feminine-looking or not, she is the quintessential poster-person for all things endorphins, and she hopes audiences of all ages can find ways to relate. While we all have our own ways of getting into that endorphin state of mind, EndorphinGirl® strives to hold space and bring together an endorphin-filled community as we journey along on this endorphin-filled life. EG shares her escapades, her thoughts, her trials and tribulations, and invites her readers to discover what it means for them to be an endorphin-filled human. An EndorphinHuman™!


We look forward to doing this all together!



If you’d like to read some of EG’s older escapades, check out!