Essential Oils (EO) can change your life. Start today!


You may or may not already be an EO user. Either way, what we’re talking about today is important and can change the way we view and experience health and wellbeing. In light of the current global situation, perhaps you’ve been thinking about ways to stay on top of the challenges and changes occurring by the minute, in an environmentally friendly way for you, your family and the universe. If this is the case, or even if it isn't, read on!

There is an INFINITE amount of opportunities to restore balance in the mind, body, and spirit with essential oils and their environmentally friendly products. And as these past weeks have shown, we could all probably use this right about now. Constant renewal, balance, and harmony truly abound when we use mother nature’s medicine in our day-to-day lives, whether it is a dab of an oil on the wrist, a few drops in the diffuser, or household cleaning or personal hygiene care with Thieves® YL products.

Are you ready to take a step to the next level, no matter your starting point?

Consider signing up with Young Living under the EG (yes EndorphinGirl®) team. Let’s get right to it! US$165 gets you 12 premium oils + 1 diffuser, plus a few extra surprises, including samples of the Thieves® products.. No strings attached. The value is over US$300’s worth of oil goodies. This is how you can join the fun.

Click HERE and follow these instructions to join our team.

1. Choose “Member”  - Click here and choose “Member” - there are NO STRINGS ATTACHED to this whatsoever. No monthly requirement, and you never, ever have to sell a thing. As a member, you will get a 24% discount for the rest of the year on any additional oil purchases. (Don't click "retail" - this is important. No starter kits here, you pay more and you don't enroll in the team.)

2. Sponsor + Enroller - In order to join my team fill in the number for sponsor + enroller with 18220658.  Double check that both numbers are filled in correctly before continuing!

3. Choose 2019 with Desert (or Dewdrop) Diffuser Premium Starter Kit.  This includes the 12 premium oils, plus your choice of a diffuser, and a bunch of samples and information to get you started! (I prefer the Desert Mist diffuser.)

4. Essential Rewards!  This is optional, but the best thing to do is select your Premium Starter Kit, then click the box below, which reads, “Use the selected Premium Starter Kit as my first Essential Rewards order” and sign me up for an Essential Rewards subscription.

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If you do it this way, you'll get a free 5ml oil and $10 back from YL in ER (essential rewards points - store credit🙌🏻). ER is the best way to start swapping out stuff you're already buying with healthier options.

Don't need anything in the next month? Totally fine, just cancel it in a few seconds with YL, but keep your freebies!

I have to say that it’s totally worth it. YL literally makes so many of the things you’re already buying at the store, like toothpaste, soap, granola, and more, so Essential Rewards is a total win. So instead of spending more, you’ll be rewarded for your spending and get rewards for future purchases. Yay!

5. Welcome email from me. After you have signed up with YL and put in your order for the Premium Starter kit you will receive a welcome email from me with access to all things oil that are on my plate. Plus, you’ll learn exactly how to use your oils!

If you do choose to continue as an Essential Rewards member you will have the opportunity to customize your rewards, or purchase the Thieves Essential Rewards Kit at a deal - US$118 gets you every listed item below (US orders). This could certainly be next month’s order. YL is sustainable and environmentally friendly, so using their products will add a boost to the happiness of the universe.

Click HERE and follow these instructions to join our team. And perhaps consider the Thieves® Essential Rewards Kit as next months purchase, following your delightful PSK (premium starter kit).

To your health, happiness, & and a clean and green environment!

XO EndorphinGirl® Barbara

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